Below you'll find an overview of the videos available on my YouTube channel (strictlydancingwithlisa) and a small sample selection that can be viewed here on my website.
Below you'll find an overview of the videos available on my YouTube channel (strictlydancingwithlisa) and a small sample selection that can be viewed here on my website.
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I started my YouTube channel during the coronavirus pandemic as a way of helping my members to keep dancing during the challenging times we all faced. The videos are still available for you to enjoy now.
I've shared WARM UP, STRETCHING and COOL DOWN videos that can be stand alone or danced in conjunction with other videos. I've produced some DANCE TIPS, which are very short little videos helping you to improve your dancing experience, such as how to create soft looking arms and improving your balance.
There's a sample DANCE CLASS and FITNESS CLASS in case you're interested in paying for the Online Package. This allows you a chance to try before you buy, so you know what to expect.
You might have fun watching the OUTTAKES video I produced from all the times I went wrong whilst recording the above videos. There's also the FLASH MOB we danced in Worthing in 2013, which was organised to raise money for BBC Children In Need.
I had a lot of fun creating some freestyle videos too, which I've called DANCE LIKE NOBODY'S WATCHING. They're quite a departure from my normal dance classes and are more emotive. They were a way for me to channel my creativity and express myself during the pandemic.
I've also created some DANCE MOVES videos teaching individual moves from the different styles. This is particularly helpful for new people who might be struggling to learn everything in class. There is a small cost for these videos. Click on the link to find out more.
I've created lots of different warm up videos based on three different warm up routines I've used over the years and danced to different tracks. I recommend you follow the warm up with a stretch (see next video below) to help prevent injury and fully prepare yourself for dancing.
I always recommend you dance a warm up first to music so you don't go into stretching cold. Doing a short stretching routine will help you prevent injury and prepare yourself for dancing. I do a longer stretch for cool down (see next video below).
The cool down stretch is just as important after dancing to gradually lower your heart rate and help reduce the likelihood of injury. This routine is longer than the warm up stretch and the one I usually do at the end of a FitSteps class.
I wanted to share a few tips to help improve your dancing experience. This is the first of seven tips (the rest are on my YouTube Channel). In this one I look at what it means to be dancing on the balls of your feet, and how and when you do it.
If you're interested in attending a dance class or trying the Online Package, you might want to watch/try this Dance Class, as it gives you the opportunity to see what it's like first. I don't include the warm up/cool down in the video as the separate videos available to you, which I strongly recommend you do to reduce the risk of injury. The next video below is a sample of the Fitness Class.
This video is a sample of the Fitness Class for the Online Package and provides you with a chance to try before you buy. It's an amalgamation of my Dance Fit and FitSteps classes. As with the sample Dance Class (video above) I don't include the warm up/cool down as you have the separate videos available to you, which I strongly recommend you do to reduce the risk of injury. Part 2 of this class can be found on my YouTube Channel.
This is a fun little video compiling just some of the times I went wrong whilst videoing my classes! I do pull some funny faces!!! Enjoy!
In 2013 I organised a Flash Mob in Worthing Town Centre to raise money for BBC Children In Need. Between us we managed to raise £3,500, which far exceeded my expectations. We had great fun dancing it, despite the fact it was raining on the day. If that weren't bad enough, the music suddenly cut out towards the end too and so we finished the dance singing along as well!
I've created 6 freestyle videos under this name. They're quite a departure from my normal dance classes and are more emotive. They were a way for me to channel my creativity and express myself during the pandemic. You can read more if you click on the button below.
I thought it would be really useful to provide you with some short videos that give you the breakdown of some individual moves across the various dance styles I teach. I don't always have the time to go into the finer details in class, especially in the dance fitness classes, so it's a great opportunity for you to practice moves you're not familiar or confident with.
There will be two sets of moves (Set 1 and Set 2) available to buy for £12 each and these will include moves across the different dance styles. If you'd like to know which moves are included in each set then please email me and I can send you the list. (They would be shared via a playlist on my YouTube Channel)
Some of you will already have had access to these original moves when you signed up to the online package during the spring/summer. However, I have an additional set of 15 moves for you, which costs just £12. If you're interested just email me and I can send you the list of moves that will be included before you decide if you want to go ahead.